I write about the inner work of regeneration and how we BE this shift.


Como Orchards 2044

Como Orchards 2044 is an imagined future for a real ranch in Montana where Frank Lloyd Wright designed a community back in 1908. This “newsletter” from the year 2044 is a dream of what could unfold over the next twenty years if we choose a more regenerative way of being on this planet based on many people’s real and imagined ideas.

“Dearest Como Community, Your generosity of spirit has led to a thriving refuge of organic food, clean water, land stewardship, and regenerative education and experimentation here in the Bitterroot Valley of Montana. We have been a laboratory of future and organic architecting for two decades, providing time and space for multi-hyphenate beings of all kinds to get into relationship with nature, play in the seasons, and express what is emerging through them in service to our shapeshifting world.”


Loaded beauty

A reflection on white supremacy, healing shame, and the non-linear journey of building a sanctuary where I can midwife creative expression for myself and others.

“I buried a tiny note to my ancestors in the gooey, black plough mud of South Carolina a few weeks ago. I said a little prayer, sandwiched the piece of paper between a folded, cancelled credit card and smooshed them both into the mud. Rituals, clearly, are new to me. As I knelt into the salt marsh at low tide, listening to the familiar clanging of the Port of Charleston less than a mile away, I almost impaled my right eyeball with a knife-y tipped blade of cordgrass. Typical, sneered my inner cynic, try to bury a bit of capitalism and honor the ol’ ancestors and end up blinded by nature.”

More thoughts


Read more about regenerative culture as a way to heal both ourselves and the planet, the need to shift from extractive to regenerative ways of living; the principles of living the questions, embracing humility, and practicing Three Horizon Thinking to create a new cultural narrative that nurtures the Earth for future generations.

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Resonance as a language of the soul: the moments of profound connection and aliveness indicate our soul's direction in our lives.

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Stories of a personal journey in confronting white supremacy and seeking regenerative community, exploring the complexities of identity, privilege, and de-centering the self, and reflecting on the challenges of dismantling deeply ingrained belief systems while striving for genuine connection and understanding amidst societal and personal turmoil.

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Harnessing Heartbreak

A 23 Day Companion Guide for the Recently Heartbroken

Whether you were rejected outright or given a vague “I love you but just can’t do this right now,” this book will be your new companion as you harness this romantic heartbreak for your healing and growth. Build these skills in mindfulness, psychology, inquiry, and spirituality, and watch what patterns fall away and what new choices arise. Pain is not your enemy. Pain is the spaceship you are boarding to explore the wide expanse of your inner universe—why you choose who you choose in love, and what love actually is.

If your heart is being broken, let it break wide open. Pain, when truly surrendered to, will guide you home.